Boloh was established in October 2020 with funding from the National Emergencies Trust to provide culturally informed signposting, advice and therapeutic support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic children, young people and families affected by the pandemic. The service was set up in response to disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on these communities.
The helpline’s work expanded to include several additional projects;
- Providing advice, information and signposting to Black, Asian and minority ethnic parents/carers with children between 0-3 years old with respiratory infections. If you are not from these communities, we will work with you and aim to refer you on to other services. (until March 2022)
- Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of Adult Asylum Seekers across the UK (funded until January 2025)
- Supporting Hong Kong British Nationals settling in the UK
As a children’s charity, we believe it is important children and young people from these communities are given the help and support they need. We believe in the unique worth of every child and we are impassioned to make a difference in the lives of those children and young people who experience health inequalities and social deprivation.
The helpline is the first of its kind in the UK to offer a support service to help children, young people and their families from these communities develop coping strategies and build resilience.
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The team
We are a team of specialist workers with experience of working with children, young people and adults from Black Asian and minority ethnic communities. Our team of specialist advisors and therapists work in a culturally informed manner and are knowledgeable about the lived experiences people from these communities.
Our vision
Our vision is to see Black Asian and minority ethnic children and young people and their families develop their inner strength to respond to the challenges of the pandemic and other health issues.