Our team will deliver monthly webinars delivered in Cantonese on a range of topics to support Hong Kongers with their mental and emotional wellbeing.

🏫Supporting Children’s Emotional Wellbeing – Navigating the Back-to-School Transition 🌟
As the back-to-school season approaches, many children and parents face emotional and mental health challenges, leading to stress and anxiety.
How can you help your child cope with these feelings? What strategies can you use to support their wellbeing?
Join our free webinar to learn practical resources and techniques to ease your child’s transition back to school.
🎤 Hosted by our Cantonese-speaking therapist and our Hong Kong helpline team, this session is designed for Hong Kong families in the UK.
📅 Date: Friday, 27/09/2024
⏰ Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm
💻 Platform: Microsoft Teams
👨👩👧👦 Get the insights you need to help your child thrive in the new school year!

💡 網上講座
寒冬來臨, 日照短左, 大家有冇覺得自己變得孤單、心情低落或者無咩動力? 你會唔會懷疑自己係咪中了「冬日憂鬱」?
Barnardo's 香港人熱線誠邀你參加今次嘅講座!我地希望幫助大家一起了解同面對季節性情緒低落,減少孤單感,一齊打敗冬日憂鬱!
📅 日期: 6 DEC 2024 (星期五)
🕒 時間: 19:30 - 21:00
📍 地點: Microsoft Teams
🔗 https://DecemberWebinar2024.eventbrite.co.uk/ Scan QR code
有咩問題,隨時聯絡我哋 📞: 0808 169 1671
或電郵至 📧: Hongkong@barnardos.org.uk
#網上講座 #支持香港BN(O)