Youth Space is a safe place for young people from Ukraine and Afghanistan to have fun, make friends and informally practice their English skills. Each session we play games and chat about different topics. Staff from the Refugee Family Helpline lead the sessions, but we also have interpreters available if young people need support with expressing themselves.
Ukrainian Youth Space
Sessions for 10 – 17 year olds are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 18:00
Young people are welcome to drop in at a at time that suits them.
Please register your interest in joining our Youth Space (for 10 - 17 years only)to
Download our Ukrainian Virtual Youth Space flyer

Afghan Youth Space
Sessions for 10–17 year olds are held on the 1st Monday of every month at 18:00. Young people are welcome to drop in at a time that suits them.
Please register your interest in joining our Youth Space (for 10 - 17 years old)
Download our Afghan Virtual Youth Space flyer