HK Family support
HK Family support
- Virtual Family Space: This online resource in Cantonese contains information on a range of topics which are particularly aimed at the challenges encountered by families, such as integration within schools and supporting teenagers. Barnardo’s continually researches and maps local and national provision to avoid potential duplication of and/or gaps in information.
- Barnardo’s Virtual Family Space is an existing web platform which supports families with practical and mental wellbeing challenges, from pregnancy and childbirth through to helping teenagers to navigate identity confusion. By translating the most relevant subject matter into Cantonese we believe that this will be a valuable support resource for BN(O) families.
Themes will include:
Mental health and wellbeing for 9-12 year olds, Young parents, Sexuality and gender identity. Resisting peer pressure, Parenting teenagers with anxiety, Parental conflict, Mindful parenting. Starting school, Healthy eating.
The site can be accessed at any time and will contain QR codes on each page which can be referred to during our webinar topics, taking the user straight to the relevant information.
We will also include a series of short animations covering family issues, subtitled in Cantonese and with culturally appropriate characters. The current Family Space has received over 150,000 views in the past year.