Therapeutic support

當你聯絡熱線尋求心理治療後,會有甚麼事發生呢?/ What happens when you contact with the helpline about receiving therapy?


Barnardo’s的免費治療支援服務適用於任何持有香港 BN(O) 簽證、因心理健康問題或難以適應英國生活嘅人士(成人和兒童)。 

我們的治療師將在安全嘅空間中傾聽您的意見並探索您的感受和經歷,而無需擔心受到批判。 這是一個討論您可能正在經歷或過去經歷過的任何困難或痛苦的機會。 


我們將為您提供 8 次治療師的治療。 每節課持續 45 分鐘。 治療將網上進行(通過電話或視像會議)。 我們可安排廣東話和英語的治療師。 


  • 如果您需要治療支援,您可以致電我免費電話號碼 0800 151 2605 聯繫熱線服務,或者您可以發送電子郵件至 

  • 當您聯繫我們的熱線時,我們親切的廣東話熱線顧問將傾聽您的情況,了解您的狀況及困難,協助您決定需要甚麼支援和建議。 

  • 經您同意下,我們的熱線顧問將為您轉介我們的心理治療服務。 

  •  治療師將在大約 4 星期內於您方便開始治療的日期和時間與您聯繫。 

  • 在我們的治療團隊為您提供支援的同時,您可以繼續聯繫我們的熱線顧問,他們將很樂意為您提供需要的任何實際或情緒支持。 


如果您感到情緒低落、孤獨、陷入困境、絕望,感覺需要有人與您交談或傾聽您的聲音,那麼治療可能適合您。 如果您想需要心理治療支援,請聯繫我們的熱線,我們將與您討論如何為您提供支援。 

What can our therapy service support you with:   
Our free therapy support service is for anyone (adults and children) on a HK BNO visa who is struggling with their mental wellbeing or is struggling with adjusting to life in the UK. We are also able to offer couples counselling. 

Our therapist will listen to you and explore your feelings and experiences in a safe space, without fear of judgement. It is a chance to discuss any difficulty or distress you may be experiencing or have experienced in the past.   

Counselling can help you to accept the things that you cannot change and help you to bring about the changes that are possible.   

We will offer you 8 sessions of therapy with the therapist. Each session will last 45 minutes. The therapy will take place virtually (via phone call or video call). We have both Cantonese and English speaking therapists available.   

How can I access this therapy support:   

  • If you would like therapy support, you can contact our Helpline service by telephone on our freephone number 0800 151 2605 or you can email us at   

  • When you contact our Helpline our friendly Cantonese speaking advisor will listen to you to learn and understand more about your situation to support you in deciding what kind of support and advice you require.   

  • With your agreement our helpline advisor will refer you to our therapy support service.   

  • The therapist will then make contact with you in within approximately 4 weeks at a date and time that is convenient for you to begin the therapy sessions.   

  • Whilst you are being supported by our therapy team, you can continue to contact our helpline advisors who will be happy to offer you any practical or emotional support you may require.  

How do I know if I need therapy?   

If you are feeling low, lonely, stuck, hopeless, feel like you need someone to talk to or listen to you, then therapy may be for you. If you would like to request therapeutic support, please contact our Helpline and we will talk to you about how we can support you.  

“I am very grateful to Barnardos for providing free counselling service to BNO visa holders like myself.  I believed that relationship problem would not disappear because of change in home country, but may just change in its form and its impact.  Having therapy delivered by therapist who has the same cultural background and speaks the same language was crucial to my decision to reach out and seek help.  The therapist from Barnardos was an empathic listener and gave me a new perspective to my problems and allowed me to approach my problems differently.  I found hope in my new journey here in the UK.  Thank you, Barnardos!”

Service user

好感謝Barnardo 提供呢個免費輔導嘅服務。家庭嘅問題唔會因為改變左居住地而消失,只係變作不同形式出現。基於文化背景、語言嘅需要,能夠有來自香港廣東話嘅治療師喺非常重要,亦都係我踏出一步尋求幫助嘅一個好大動力。我本身都係一個專業人士,多謝Banardo嘅治療師給予我對問題新嘅觀點,俾我傾訴我嘅苦惱,令我對自身嘅問題有咗新嘅角度,嘗試重新開始。